Maple Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 3, 2023 

1. Introduction

Swift Pocket Inc. (“We,” “us,” and “our”) publishes and operates the following (collectively, the “Services”): 
● The Maple application, which is available for use by companies and organizations, as well as their individual employees and agents, via various electronic devices, including but not limited to mobile phones, desktop computers, laptop computers, and tablets (each, a “Device”); and 
● The AgencyList website and/or web application, which allows healthcare facilities to rate and/or review staffing agencies they have worked with, and to view ratings and reviews contributed by other facilities. 

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes our privacy practices with respect to the Services, including how we collect, use, and disclose information received from you during your use of the Services and/or this Website (the “Website”). If you are a California resident, please also review our California Privacy Notice, which includes information about your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”). 

2. Types of personal information We Collect 

For purposes of this Policy, “personal information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with an individual or household.It does not include aggregated or deidentified information that is maintained in a form that could not reasonably be linked with an individual or household. 

Below are the categories of information, including personal information, that we may collect from different types of users, depending on their interactions with the Services and/or the Website. 

Users of the Maple App Services 

In order to provide Maple App Services, we must collect certain information from you, which may include your: 

● Full name 
● Telephone number 
● E-mail address 
● Profile picture 
● Coarse and precise geolocation data, which may be collected during your use of the Services, as well as in the background 
● Data about your Device and its software, which including the Device’s model, IP address, type of browser, screen resolution, and mobile carrier information
● Data about your use of the Services, including dates and timestamps associated with interactions, as well as screen captures of interactions 
● Any other personal information you choose to provide

Users of the AgencyList Services 

In order to provide AgencyList Services, we must collect certain information from you, which may include your: 

● Full name 
● Telephone number 
● E-mail address 
● Employer name 
● Job title 
● Employer address 

Users of the Website 

We may collect certain data automatically when you visit the Website, such as your IP address, Device and advertising identifiers, browser type, operating system, Internet service provider, pages that you visit before and after using the Website, the date and time of your visit, information about the links you click, the pages you view, the general manner in which you navigate the Website, and other standard server log information, as well as any information you enter into the website. We collect some of this data via cookies, which are discussed in more detail In Section 3, below. 

Customer Support Users 

In order to provide support for the Services, we must collect a limited amount of personal data when you contact our customer support personnel by phone or e-mail, which may include your: 

● Full name 
● Telephone number 
● E-mail address 
● Any other personal information you choose to provide 

Children’s personal information 

The Services and the Website are not intended for or directed to children under the age of thirteen. We do not knowingly collect personal information directly from children under the age of thirteen. If we become aware that a child under the age of thirteen has provided us with personal information, we will delete the information from our records. Please contact us if you believe we have collected personal information from an individual under the age of thirteen. 

3. Cookies and Other Technologies 

Like many companies, we and our third-party providers may use “cookies” that our Services use to collect and store information about users. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your Device for record-keeping purposes. We and our third-party service providers may also use other tracking technologies, such as “pixel tags,” “web beacons,” “clear GIFs,” SDKs, location-identifying technologies, or similar means in connection with the Services and HTML-formatted e-mail messages to, among other things, track the actions of users and e-mail recipients and to automatically collect the personal information described in this Policy. 

We also use UXCam in connection with the Maple Timekeeper Services and Datadog in connection with the AgencyList Services, both of which are monitoring and analytics solutions. During your use of the Services and not any other time, UXCam and/or Datadog may record:screens that you visit, interaction patterns (such as screen actions, gestures: taps, scrolls), and your Device’s details (type, version, model, operating system). We use the information collected by UXCam and Datadog to improve the Services. UXCam and Datadog store and process this information on our behalf and may contain personally identifiable information, although UXCam proactively removes it where possible. 

4. Our Use of Personal Information 

Users of the Services 

Our primary purpose in collecting and making use of personal information from users of the Services is to provide the Services to your company or organization. When we do so, it is on behalf of your company or organization, making us a “service provider” under the CCPA and CPRA. As a service provider, we may use your data to do the following: 

● Grant you access to and use of the Services 
● Communicate with you, including via email, text message, and/or telephone calls, and to deliver administrative notices and communications relevant to your use of the Services
● Provide you with assistance in your use of the Services 
● Personalize, optimize, or improve your experience with the Services ● Provide you with updates to the Services 
● Ensure compliance with the terms of our agreement with your company or organization 

In addition to the above, we may also make use of your data for other purposes, including those not on behalf of your company or organization, such as to: 

● Send you marketing materials and information 
● Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations 
● Establish, exercise, or defend legal claims 
● Conduct analysis in order to improve the Service 

Users of the Website 

Our primary purpose in collecting and making use of information from users of the Website is to improve users’ experiences with the Website, which may include customizing the content you see when accessing the Website. 

Customer Support Users 

Our primary purpose in collecting and making use of personal information from customer support users is responding effectively to the inquiries and improving users’ experiences with our customer support personnel and systems. 

5. Our Disclosure of Personal Information 

We disclose personal information in the following ways: 
Affiliates: We may share personal information with other companies that we own or control, as well as other companies owned by any organization that owns or controls us, particularly when we collaborate in providing the Services. 
Your Company or Organization: When an individual interacts with our Services as an employee or agent of their organization, we may share their information with that employer or organization, including other employees or agents.
Service Providers: In addition to the third parties identified above, we engage other third-party service providers that perform business or operational services for us or on our behalf, such as payment processing, website hosting, infrastructure provisioning, IT services, analytics services, and administrative services. 
Business Transfers or Reorganization: We may take part in or be involved with a corporate business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, joint venture, or financing or sale of company assets. We may disclose personal information to a third party during negotiation of, in connection with or as an asset in such a corporate business transaction. personal information may also be disclosed in the event of insolvency, bankruptcy or receivership. 
Legal Obligations and Rights: We may disclose personal information to third parties, such as legal advisors and law enforcement: 
○ if required by law or if we are given reason to believe, in our sole discretion, that someone is causing injury to or interference with the our rights or the rights of users or the general public, 
○ to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, legal process, or required response to a regulator, 
○ in connection with the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims,
○ to protect our rights and property and the rights and property of others, including to enforce our agreements and policies, 
○ to detect, suppress, or prevent fraud, 
○ to protect the health and safety of us and others, or 
○ as otherwise required by applicable law. 
Otherwise with Consent or Direction: We may disclose personal information about an individual to certain other third parties or publicly with their consent or direction. For example, with an individual’s consent or direction we may post their testimonial on our Site or service-related publications. 

Except as otherwise required by applicable law, we will not disclose to non-partner third parties any personal information specifying your medical or health condition, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership without your consent. 

6. Control Over Your Personal Information 

Edit Your Information 

You have the ability to edit some of your personal information directly using the Services. Alternatively, or if you have any technical difficulties, you may contact us at to request that we make edits for you. 

Access to Your Device Information 

You may control the Services’ access to certain information about your Device through your “Settings” app on that Device. For instance, you can withdraw permission for the Services to access your network devices and geolocation and to integrate with your other applications. Withdrawing access to certain device information will affect the features and functionality of the Services, and may inhibit our ability to provide you with the Services you have requested. For example, if you do not grant the Services “Always” and “Precise Location” permissions with respect to your device’s location data, many important features of the Maple Timekeeper Services will be unavailable to you.

Deleting Your Account or Information 

If you would like to delete your account and/or delete your record in our system, you may submit your request by e-mail to We may ask you to verify your identity before we process your request. In certain circumstances, we may not be able to respond to your request if we are not able to verify your identity or authority to make the request. Please note that in some instances we may retain certain information to the extent required or permitted by law. 

Cookies and Tracking Technologies 

If you would prefer not to accept cookies, most browsers will allow you to change the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser to: (i) notify you when you receive a cookie, which lets you choose whether or not to accept it; (ii) disable existing cookies; or (iii) set your browser to automatically reject cookies. Be aware that disabling cookies may negatively affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionalities and features of the Services. 

Depending on your device and operating system, you may not be able to delete or block all cookies. In addition, if you want to reject cookies across all your browsers and devices, you will need to do so on each browser on each device you actively use. You may also set your email options to prevent the automatic downloading of images that may contain technologies that would allow us to know whether you have accessed our e-mail and performed certain functions with it. 

7. Changes to this Policy 

This Policy may be periodically reviewed and updated in our sole discretion, including as we expand and/or modify the Services. Use of the Services after an update to this Privacy Policy constitutes consent to the updated terms to the extent permitted by law. We encourage you to review this Policy regularly, and if you do not understand any of its terms or conditions, you may inquire regarding the same via email at 

8. Contacting Us 

If you have questions or comments about this Policy, our privacy practices, the ways in which we collect and use your information, your choices, and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under the CCPA or CPRA, please contact us at: